8 Responses

  1. karen
    karen at |

    I love it when scientific research states something that I already truly believe. Something that I could have told all the researchers years ago. People that try out my Out Door Fitness program state that “it is fabulous”, but they do not know why it makes them feel so good. Is it the tighter abs? Burned calories? Increased muscle mass? Stronger bones? Oxygen to the brain? Improved circulation? More flexability? Gorgeous scenery? An hour away from the usual distractions of living a healthy life style?

    Heck Yah!

    Thanks again Colleen, great information!

  2. Catherine Clarke
    Catherine Clarke at |

    Feeling stressed ? Go to the woods and listen to the birdsong. It works!

  3. Jana
    Jana at |

    Beautiful photo, Colleen! Apparently you walk in the woods with a camera in your hands.

  4. Michele
    Michele at |

    Very true Colleen…especially so for city kids as time outdoors seems to calm them down.


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