“You ask whether your verses are any good. You ask me. You have asked others before this. You send them to magazines. You compare them with other poems, and you are upset when certain editors reject your work. Now (since you have said you want my advice) I beg you to stop doing that sort of thing.
You are looking outside, and that is what you should most avoid right now. No one can advise or help you – no one. There is only one thing you should do. Go into yourself. Find out the reason that commands you to write; see whether it has spread its roots into the very depths of your heart; confess to yourself whether you would have to die if you were forbidden to write.
This most of all: ask yourself in the most silent hour of your night: must I write? Dig into yourself for a deep answer. And if this answer rings out in assent, if you meet this solemn question with a strong, simple “I must”, then build your life in accordance with this necessity; your whole life, even into its humblest and most indifferent hour, must become a sign and witness to this impulse.”
– Rainer Maria Rilke
I love that I am taking comfort from words penned in 1903. But this is such wise and timeless advice, that is so obviously applicable far beyond the subject of writing. This line in particular, really resonates,
“You are looking outside, and that is what you should most avoid right now. No one can advise or help you – no one. There is only one thing you should do. Go into yourself. “
I spent so much of life hoping that someone or something outside of me would have the answer(s) to all my questions. Someone else could ‘fix’ things. There is something quite lovely about being on the other side of 50…and being able to see that there are no real authorities to send me in the right direction.
Tag. I’m it.
And so I continue down this rabbit hole that is this process called writing a book, which, like anything we pursue, is really about the process of creating our lives. There is no one to ask for assistance. It is the ultimate in solo travel.
But these other words of Rainer Maria Wilke let me know this is hardly new. My hope is that they might help you on whatever path you may be on…
“A work of art is good if it has arisen out of necessity. That is the only way one can judge it. So, dear Sir, I can’t give you any advice but this: to go into yourself and see how deep the place is from which your life flows; at its source you will find the answer to, the question of whether you must create. Accept that answer, just as it is given to you, without trying to interpret it. Perhaps you will discover that you are called to be an artist. Then take that destiny upon yourself, and bear it, its burden and its greatness, without ever asking what reward might come from outside.”
In Dec. 2011 Jesus spoke to me and said, “I want you to write a little Book and put in all
the Visions, Revelations and Instructions I have given you over many years and Distribute
it to the masses.”
Now I recognize that I am not to have it published and market it at a cost to the Readers.
I have thought of setting up a Blog on the Computer so it could be linked to many sites
for distribution. I have never done more than e-mailing and haven’t a clue of how to do
anything. I am 87 and must act fast. I have written articles but have had to pay to have them published in Newspapers. Problem No 1, – I can’t afford to do do this plus the fact
that the trend is shifting away from Newspapers. I was given adequate free space for an
article in a weekly Free Newspaper a few years ago titled “The Power of Prayer” It built
the circulation of that Paper immensely.
Colleen, is it possible that you can offer me a suggestion or assist me in fullfilling this
commission and to be a blessing to the ‘masses’? We are in the End Days so I sense the
urgency of the hour. I have met with Jesus and had my hand in His nail scarred hand.
The most profound Vision was of the Great White Throne Judgement scene. Father God
told me I had to warn the people which I have been attempting to do since 1979.
Many thanks for your kind consideration of my predicament plus my timely request.
May the Triune God Bless you and use you to be a Blessing to him and His Flock in 2012
Dear Kay, I think it would be best if you could find a young person in your church or circle of friends that shares your concern. Perhaps he/she would help you set up a blog where you can post your articles. It’s really not any harder than emailing once you’re set up. Best of luck with it all.
Oh, doesn’t this just make you want to get up off your arse and start writing? Tag!
You know what Carol? If I keep reading it like a mantra, it actually works. Of course, now I walk around talking to myself more than ever. Scary!!
Hi Sarah. You best be careful…that sounds like an invitation for me to rant and whine in your direction. My compass needs resetting pretty often!
“The ultimate in solo travel” You got that right, Lady. Nobody can really help you, and it’s a long trip (a most satisfying one, but long) BUT there is commiseration, and the walls of other writers to bounce your notions and frustrations off in that ‘writerhood’ to which we all belong. Know that when things go adrift know that you aren’t completely alone – sometimes just ranting or whining to a fellow can help reset your compass…
I totally love: Tag. I’m it.
Hey Sharon. It’s kind of a disappointing discovery in many ways.
Me? It’s up to me? Shouldn’t we call in someone more qualified? Ha!
“Take that destiny upon yourself, and bear it, its burden and its greatness, without ever asking what reward might come from outside.”
Those words are like a charge, aren’t they? Like a “go out into the world” commission.
Thank you for sharing this – I loved it 🙂
Ah Becca, I love the idea of the words being a charge. That’s exactly it. They sound very ‘go forth-ish’.
I’m so glad you loved it too. I could read those words over and over (oh wait! I have!) and I know I will read them many times more.