4 Responses

  1. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    What a GREAT post. I find more and more my internal voice is speaking in the language of the digital age, and I totally get the concept of cache deletion when it comes to relating to people. Of course, my brain goes a bit farther – and not in a good way – I’ve sometimes found myself picturing, quite literally, a giant backspace button floating in the air right next to a person! And of course I often think a ctrl+alt+delete escape function would be an AWESOME thing to have in real life. I usually picture this as my hand slamming the parachute release button and getting yanked up into a different dimension, pronto! One can wish (and I bet there are programmers and scientists working on it right now)!

  2. Karen
    Karen at |

    How refreshing, I’m inspired and delighted to know you. To not feel judged by someone is a beautiful, safe feeling and freeing experience. And hard to come by. Thank you for clearing your cache, we all should. Unpack and dispose of all that baggage. Splendid idea and very thought provoking.


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