6 Responses

  1. Catherine Clarke
    Catherine Clarke at |

    Hi Colleen. I find walking exhilirating and enjoyable. Walking gives you a chance to enjoy the weather, get to know your neighbourhood or, if you are travelling, see a new place. I believe and practise tech-free Sundays and last but certainly not least be kind to yourself, showing compassion and justice to others and all living creatures in the animals’ kingdom. C’est moi.

  2. barb
    barb at |

    Thanks for your wise words. We have been working at “unplugging” on Sundays as well. Funny how things come full circle in our lives; there always was some rationale for the old fashioned values of “respecting the Sabbath” that i was too pigheaded to understand in my younger years…..

  3. Margot
    Margot at |

    Thanks for sharing this Colleen!

    I struggle with these things a lot and like you, need to remember to give myself as much encouragement, and slack, as I do others. I recently “threw out” my back putting in too many hours at work (at a desk) and not taking care of my mind and body enough.

    One thing I found has helped me, which I would never have guessed, is taking more photos. Since I started carrying a camera in my pocket virtually 24/7 (in the form of my iPhone) I see the world around me differently and stop to appreciate it and photograph it much more often.

    I’m inspired by your “tech-free Sunday” attempts. I’m far from there but it’s a good goal! 🙂

    Take care,


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