12 Responses

  1. sarah
    sarah at |

    This looks like a fine place to WRITE. And say hello to Shakespeare and Co. One of the thills of my life was being taken there to see the translation of my novel These Granite Islands aka Cet ete-la – much better in French than English, I’m told – DISPLAYED IN THE WINDOW!!!
    Have a fabulous time. Write well, eat better – looking forward to the posts.

  2. Leslie Pringle
    Leslie Pringle at |

    Congratulations on joining the “slow movement” arm of traveling. When you stay longer in one place you become a part of it, enjoying (or sometimes not enjoying) the depths of your chosen locale, you move into the real life of the real people who live there day to day. The rhythm of daily life replaces the rhythm of the car engine. That’s an authentic experience. Can’t wait to hear how it goes. 🙂

  3. Catherine Clarke
    Catherine Clarke at |

    Hi Colleen. I hope you will have a lovely time in Beauvoisin (nice neighbour). Provence is full of sunshine and lavender fields, the markets are lively and colourful. People are welcoming and friendly with a ready smile. Nimes has interesting ruins that you must go and see. I wish you well.

  4. Karen
    Karen at |

    Before I read your blog I examined the photo with my handy, dandy iPhone zoom lens. My first thoughts were “wow they sure have done something to their cute little Sechelt home”. HaHa! Ooops. Of course now I get it. Love it Colleen, I can’t wait to see the inside! Im sure it will be in a blog at some point, she says hopefully. Happy Days are here again, red door and all, beautiful.

  5. barb
    barb at |

    Tell Kevin to send me the details because you have inspired this girl to live large!

  6. Sharry Miller
    Sharry Miller at |

    What fun! And what a great red door! I think it sounds like you have a wonderful plan. How did you find this home to rent?


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