7 Responses

  1. Karen
    Karen at |

    Thank you for the encouragement. You are absolutely right, you have to want it. A favorite quote I once heard is “I was sick and tired of being sick and tired”. I am in awe that all the successful decisions/choices seem to “stick” when the want is turned into the do. Following through with mind, body and sole together as one unit.
    Love your blogs Colleen, best read with a moment to ones self, coffee in hand or bedtime steamed milk.

  2. Karen
    Karen at |

    I went and saw the movie “The Iron Lady” yesterday and strangely enough Margaret Thatcher, played by Meryl Streep says your quote. I had just read your blog and there it was up on the big screen in an academy award winning movie! I’m sure it will be. Not sure if it’s “her” quote, but she definitely owned it in the movie!
    I won’t spoil the movie, but I will say I LOVED IT and how your thoughts ring true throughout the entire movie. Or perhaps you have already seen it?
    On another note, someone I know that was dealt a crappy hand…… fun out of dysfunctional (all that) went back to college at the age of 40 and in a two year span, quit drinking, got an amazing job, quit the consumption of 4 cokes, 3 chocolate bars and a pack of cigarettes per day. He is now following an exercise regime. Think of all the money he is saving, not to mention the mental, emotional and physical health! A wonderful transformation. Still many demons in the closet, but it certainly is a great way to tackle them!
    Thank you, let me know if and when you see the movie.

  3. Jana
    Jana at |

    “combo-pack” – precisely!

  4. Jana
    Jana at |

    I looked up the quote and found it but no author was listed.
    “Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
    Watch your words, for they become actions.
    Watch your actions, for they become habits.
    Watch your habits, for they become character.
    Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

    I’ve often wondered about folks with awful childhoods who became great. How did they overcome when so many today just soak in their misery and live as victims? What is the difference?? Strength of character, determination, motivation, eye on the goal – something!


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