Crisis? What Crisis?
January was getting perilously close to being over and I still hadn’t had a hotel night away. Some people might not categorize this as a crisis. I empathise with that kind of limited thinking but perhaps I need to clarify the word crisis.
But first, let me assure the danger has passed now that Kevin & I are firmly ensconced in our studio room at the Pan Pacific in Whistler.
Remember Quoyle in the movie version of the Shipping News?
When the newspaper business was being explained to him, the crusty old editor, Billy, said, “If it bleeds, it leads.” Billy pointed at the dark clouds on the horizon and said, “Tell me the headline.”
Quoyle said, “Horizon Fills With Dark Clouds?” Billy replied, “Imminent Storm Threatens Village.” Quoyle looked at him and said,”But what if no storm comes?” Billy replied, “Village Spared From Deadly Storm.”
So obviously I am using ‘crisis’ in the most newsy-ish sense. Of course there’s not a real crisis. I get that. I do. I do.
But how else will anyone watch CNN unless there is a pending disaster of some imaginary proportions? How else will Homeland Security keeps us in a state of hyper-hysteria with codes of Yellow or Orange or Whatever the Current Crazymaking Colour Is? How else will anyone read or watch anything at all, unless we’re whipped into a headline frenzy?
Perhaps I’m digressing. The true unvarnished facts are thus:
1. It’s cold as heck here in Whistler (-20 degrees Celsius) with winds flying at a sideways 30-50 km/h up on the mountain.
2. Quite obviously, it’s too cold to go skiing.
3. Scandinave Spa beckoned with a steam room, Finnish sauna, hot tubs and relaxation rooms which seemed like a very lovely way to deal with an epic threatening winter storm!
4. This Pan Pacific studio suite is a delightful woodsy and fireplace-enhanced space, perfect for a winter wonderland escape which has saved me from having a month without a hotel stay.
4. a) Cream in the fridge for my morning coffee. YAY!
5. Because, I start to get twitchy if I haven’t been in a hotel in a while (this might be slightly exagerated for effect – then again – it might not, and yes, I realize this is sort of building on #4, but I think it bears repeating.
6. A salient fact about me, is that I adore opening new little hotel soaps and those mini-shampoo bottles especially when it’s Aveda products (and yes, the Pan Pacific is all about Aveda).
7. I also like knowing that we don’t have to brave the elements to indulge in some fine dining and a slice of Ireland in the Dubh Linn Gate Restaurant which is what we’re doing right after I post this.
8. On the drive up here, we discovered Pure Bread bakery in Function Junction. It is amazing. I want Pure Bread to come to Vancouver…please. Wow.
9. We also discovered fresh and fabulous sushi at an affordable (!) price. Sushi to Go is hidden in the Visitors Centre at the Taxi loop. You don’t have to take it to-go. There are a few tables. Sit and nosh and smile at your insider scoop.
10. I like changing my perspective by being somewhere/anywhere new, especially if it has those lovely little soaps (see #6) and cream for my coffee (see #4.a).
Crisis Averted!
I am not alone! I’ve been feeling a need for a hotel fix lately, although my options are never as posh as yours. I just know that if I haven’t stayed in a hotel lately, I haven’t been traveling, and that’s not okay. Hotels also give me a chance to be reminded why I don’t have TV. Next week, one night at the Sheraton in Anchorage. It’s better than nothing.
I feel like we should start a Hotels Annonymous group so I can stand up and say, “My name is Colleen Friesen and I need hotels.” Cuz I do. I really really do. And Sharry…a Sheraton will do quite nicely. It will have little soaps, poufy pillows and that lovely annonymity of walking onto a blank stage. Thanks for speaking up. It’s nice to know I have company on yet another quirk