7 Responses

  1. Martha
    Martha at |

    Snakes are certainly not my forte either, but I was 21 with a group of guys and one other girl. It was an off shore trip while the ship was docked for the day. I closed my eyes while they took the picture and I can still remember the weight and the slithery feel of it … nothing else from that day. Your observations of India were fantastic and I loved the video clips of the wind in Wales … very entertaining!

  2. Martha
    Martha at |

    My response never seems to work when I try to post on this site. I love reading your blogs and it’s the first time I’ve ever bothered to read any. It started in Wales with wild tales and now I’m addicted. Your concept of India is so radically different from what I recall of one day in Ceylon with a python around my neck and one day in Bombay in a horse drawn basket with a driver who didn’t understand English. Looking forward to your next adventure.

  3. Laurie Beeman
    Laurie Beeman at |

    Beautifully written, it transcends the imagination with wonder and beauty! Thanks for sharing your experience in India!

  4. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    What a beautiful analogy. There’s a poem or a collage in there.


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