Today was a walk in the park.
The rain was a mere mist this morning, just enough to soften the air and actually make the walking pleasant.
By lunch time, the skies were Dutch-blue with the kind of big fluff-ball white clouds that fairy tale books are filled with.
It was…dare-I-say this? Almost easy. Yes, you read that right.
Sure, there was an ascent and descent or two, but no sloppy, gumbo-laden 25% grade descents where every footfall is a crap shoot as to whether you’ll skitter off the trail or not (please see yesterday’s post regarding muck and slop).
In fact, the last five kilometres along the Severn River towpath was dead-flat. And since that tow path wasn’t actually part of Offa’s Dyke Path, but merely the way to get to our hotel for the night, I’d say we have now officially made up for the mileage we skipped in yesterday’s endurance test.
We walked 25 kilometres today, through the usual sheep and cows and a huge number of very stupid grouse. We had one minor wrong turn or two at the end of the day, but aside from that, it was pleasant. I’m thinking that since yesterday’s word was ‘unremitting‘, today’s word might have to be ‘pleasant‘.
I’m still a little stunned by that new word choice. My legs are certainly tired, but I’m not completely knackered like the last seven days. Could it be that we’re getting in better shape?
It had better be true, because we’ve looked ahead on the itinerary, and the distances are getting longer.
Tomorrow’s word might not be printable…we shall see.
Fascinating journey and so VERY green!
You’re right about the green Michele…this place glows green. The views from the top of these ridges is breathtaking.