4 Responses

  1. Becca
    Becca at |

    Ah, age is all relative, Colleen! Twenty five is the new 15 🙂

    I remember attending a 25th anniversary party with my husband when we were first married. “Wow, 25 years!” I said. “Can you imagine being married that long?”

    He just looked at me and shook his head.

    “No. I can’t.”

    That was 35 years ago…

    Happy Anniversary – enjoy your day and lots more years together!

  2. Janet
    Janet at |

    Congrats Colleen and Kevin! Here’s to the next 25!

    It’s only our bodies that get old as dirt 🙂 – I think the real us is both beyond ancient and ever-spring-wide-eyed-new. The kind of new that just has the best time exploring and experiencing…. 🙂


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