How on earth could this have happened?
First off, how could I be as old as my parents once were? I vaguely remember their 25th wedding anniversary celebration and knowing with the smug certainty of a teenager, that everyone in attendance was beyond ancient.
And yet…Here we are. Old as dirt too. Time is amazing.
Thankfully, we’re in London, where old was invented. We’re in our new ‘hood coffee shop. The sign for Patisserie Valerie proclaims that it was established in 1926. This, certainly, is one of the younger businesses in this town. Last night we watched Pygmalion at the Garrick Theatre . It opened in 1889, and when we start our hike on September 1st? We will be walking on a earthwork that is thought to have been built between 757 – 796 AD.
All these crumbly ruins and dates makes me feel like a fresh young thing in comparison…except for the white hair and the creaky knees. Except for that.
Ah, age is all relative, Colleen! Twenty five is the new 15
I remember attending a 25th anniversary party with my husband when we were first married. “Wow, 25 years!” I said. “Can you imagine being married that long?”
He just looked at me and shook his head.
“No. I can’t.”
That was 35 years ago…
Happy Anniversary – enjoy your day and lots more years together!
Hey Becca, Isn’t it funny how the time just goes ‘whoosh’? It feels like everything happened two seconds ago at the same time as it feels like it was hundreds of years ago. Time expands and contracts simultaneously
Congrats Colleen and Kevin! Here’s to the next 25!
It’s only our bodies that get old as dirt
– I think the real us is both beyond ancient and ever-spring-wide-eyed-new. The kind of new that just has the best time exploring and experiencing…. 
Ahh yes Janet…dust to dust or was it dirt to dirt? I totally agree, the ‘real’ us is ‘both beyond ancient and ever-spring-wide-eyed-new’…I LOVE that.