4 Responses

  1. Margie Goldsmith
    Margie Goldsmith at |

    Am enjoying your blog but beg to differ with you about a good cup of Joe in India — I have had delicious coffee in Dehli, Agra, Mumbai, Rajisthan, and Kerali — not to mention Ramthampore. Just hit an Oberoi Resort and, as my parents used to say, You’re in like Flynn.

  2. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    This happened to me as well – even though for decades I was able to drink coffee or not, no headaches came from stopping. Of course those were my drinking days, so who knows what demi-god of addiction I could lay my headache woes to anyway. For all I know my hangover headache was simply a caffeine delay! To think of the extra drinking I could have accomplished! No, better not.

    Now that I’m – shh – older, I am indeed finding coffee is required or a headache will ensue. Interestingly, many of my friends believe I am a high-octane caffeine imbiber (I am, after all, of a ‘type’ – go big or go home) except in this one case, I take my chargeup by the demi-tasse in the form of espresso.

    Oh, the misinformation about caffeine! The people getting the most caffeine, the biggest nerve hit, the strongest addiction are actually those drinking medium roast drip coffee.

    You with your cappucinos (espresso based), me with my tiny adult sippy cup, we’re actually the mellow ones. Don’t you feel virtuous now?

    Off to look up the antioxidant properties you helpfully mentioned. I love supporting evidence!


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