I blame it on being sick.
I caught some sort of bug at the end of last week and it knocked me sideways, proving once again that one doesn’t have to leave the country to feel like something washed up on the beach.
I was sick enough that the thought of my usual cappuccino seemed like a very bad idea. After a couple of days, my other symptoms disappeared, but I was left with this lingering headache. It was not going to be touched, no matter how many pills I threw at it.
It occurred to me that it might be from caffeine withdrawal.
“What the heck,” says I, “now that I’ve gone through all this, why not just be done with coffee until I get back from India…that way if I get sick over there, I won’t have to add on this horrible withdrawal stuff.”
Except, this headache just kept coming at me. Large and serious about hanging around, it was clouding my brain and making me oh-so-miserable. I only have two cappuccinos a day. Surely, after a full week, this couldn’t still be caffeine withdrawal?
It couldn’t be. It was just last November that I was off coffee with no ill effects.
I thought about that some more. Hmm…That’s right. I’d weaned myself off slowly before heading to the Fresh Start detox program. Right. This time was a tad more cold-turkey-ish.
Besides, I am really enjoying the tea. No. Really. I am. And we all know it’s impossible to get a good cup of coffee in India. Best to be done with this. It’s no big deal.
Except. It is.
Yesterday, at 3:25 pm, I read the caffeine withdrawal article and then this article about the antioxidant benefits of coffee and by 3:30 pm, I had made myself a double-shot cappuccino.
I moved away from the computer, stretched out on my deck chaise lounge and focused on my bliss-filled beverage.
With nary a trumpet in sight, the headache that had dogged me like the hounds of hell for a full week simply evaporated in a cloud of cinnamon-dusted latte angels.

I’ve decided it was rather defeatist thinking to assume I’d get sick whilst traveling around India…And isn’t happiness about enjoying life’s little pleasures?
Everything in moderation; including my addictions and my rationalizations.
My name is Colleen Friesen. And I’m a cappuccino addict.
And that’s okay.
Am enjoying your blog but beg to differ with you about a good cup of Joe in India — I have had delicious coffee in Dehli, Agra, Mumbai, Rajisthan, and Kerali — not to mention Ramthampore. Just hit an Oberoi Resort and, as my parents used to say, You’re in like Flynn.
Margie…I bow to your Indian expertise. I think it’s because my Indian travels have generally been no-class travel versus first and I end up with Nescafe. If I’m lucky it comes out of those cheesy frothing machines.
Now that I know this, I’ll throw on my best pashmina and get to an Oberoi to try it out. Thanks for giving me the inside scoop!
This happened to me as well – even though for decades I was able to drink coffee or not, no headaches came from stopping. Of course those were my drinking days, so who knows what demi-god of addiction I could lay my headache woes to anyway. For all I know my hangover headache was simply a caffeine delay! To think of the extra drinking I could have accomplished! No, better not.
Now that I’m – shh – older, I am indeed finding coffee is required or a headache will ensue. Interestingly, many of my friends believe I am a high-octane caffeine imbiber (I am, after all, of a ‘type’ – go big or go home) except in this one case, I take my chargeup by the demi-tasse in the form of espresso.
Oh, the misinformation about caffeine! The people getting the most caffeine, the biggest nerve hit, the strongest addiction are actually those drinking medium roast drip coffee.
You with your cappucinos (espresso based), me with my tiny adult sippy cup, we’re actually the mellow ones. Don’t you feel virtuous now?
Off to look up the antioxidant properties you helpfully mentioned. I love supporting evidence!
I am feeling SO virtuous indeed, though I just read some of the back pages on the ashram and realized not only is it vegetarian (which is wonderful actually) but it says no stimulants. I’m going to guess they mean coffee. I think I’m back to the drawing board or else I’ll just tape Ziplocs of Nescafe or Via packets to my belly and wear an extra loose caftan.