I have raved on about Laurie McConnell of Bad Dog Design and her amazing ability to rescue my site from hackers and other sword-waving evil-doers.
But the other thing that Laurie does is write. Really well.
A lot of her writing is to add content to her wonderful Unofficial Guide to the Sunshine Coast. If you want to know anything at all about the Sunshine Coast, I guarantee you can find it on her site.
She also writes for Inside Vancouver and I’ve asked her if I can link to her wonderful post about cheese. Firstly, because I love a big hunk of fromage, and secondly, because her writing made me want to check these places out immediately.
She writes:
Masters of the Stinky Cheeses
If you love cheese, this headline should lure you in like walking past a market in southern France and smelling the earthy, pungent aroma of a good chevre aging in a stone cellar nearby. For Vancouverites – and those of us more than willing to trek in from the fringes – wanting something beyond grocery store fare in your cheeses, there’s only one shop you need to know: the gastronomical Everest in cheese stores known as les amis du FROMAGE.
Aficionados of all things cheese will encounter ample opportunity to display their fromology, as les amis typically stocks between 400-500 (!!!) cheeses at their two Vancouver locations. Read more…