I am leaving on the Stupids Bike Trip tomorrow. Back at the end of May when I previously wrote about this upcoming trip, I naively believed that it was inevitable. Like the sun comes up. The sun goes down. And each July 1-10, the Stupids go on a bike trip.
But then a scary health issue came up for someone I love, and until 3:00 pm yesterday I didn’t really know if I was going anywhere. Because as we all know about love…when it all hits the fan? We show up. I would not have wanted to be anywhere else.
So instead, I was practicing my best parallel lives approach to life. That is, do everything as if Plan A is happening and do everything as if Plan B is happening…and then see which one actually unfolds.
Good news prevailed, we received the Get Out Of Jail health card, and voila, I am packing for an epic trip to Montana. I call it epic because I am realizing that every year we do this becomes more and more of a miracle. Not just because twenty-three years of being full-on stupid is no mean feat, but because of the fresh reminder yesterday that nothing is guaranteed. That doctor could have come in with different news, and today all of us concerned would be inhabiting completely different worlds.
Just like that.
Of course, there are lots of non-stupid moments required to actually make a thing like this trip happen. The logistics can be daunting and this year I certainly wasn’t one of the more useful members in the planning of this trip. Thank goodness, there is always a stupid or two that gets things done.
I am not sure how the blogging situation will work in these little Montana towns. I’m sure a better plan-ahead kind of gal would have tons of pre-written posts to automatically show up each day and I still might try getting a few done ahead of time, but then again? Lagom.
There are NO guarantees
Nah, I meant dictionary def #2: “support in the form of shared feelings or opinions.”
I’m sure I’d have no problem qualifying for a group called The Stupids
Even without a bicycle! Hope it’s going great.
Janet, you’re too kind. I hereby dub thee part of the Stupids. Not everyone would be flattered by the designation but I know you get it.
Sign me up for Stupid-in-Sympathy?
Have a fab trip!
Janet…Does that mean you’re feeling sorry for how deluded and stupid we actually are?
Have a wonderful trip! Makes me want to be stupid, too
You can be a Stupid-in-Absentia