8 Responses

  1. DoraDueck
    DoraDueck at |

    I’m coming to this wonderful post a little late — but catching up on your blog and others… one of those months… But just to say, I appreciate your words. The concept of enoughness has been important to me for a long time, especially in relation to published work, where I need to be firm with myself — It is enough, I say to myself, in terms of the praise, notice, affirmation I may get, because as most of us know, the need for that as (often insecure) writers can be a bottomless pit… But besides giving me a new word to express it, what I really appreciate is your connecting it — as you did in your guest blog — not just to what one has now but also with the notion of setting out goals, being intentional, and when reaching them — enough. It occurs to me that I need to do this in terms of what writing projects I might want to still accomplish, with my age in mind — to articulate that to myself so I will also know when I’m finished. Well, still mulling on that, but big thanks for the insight.

  2. B
    B at |

    I think you could have used one more lagom at the end of the story.

  3. Vivien Passerini
    Vivien Passerini at |

    Hello Colleen!
    Your writing is so inspirational. A little lagom is just what it takes, or should be! I try to apply this philosophy in my daily comings and goings but I use the Italian word “Basta!” which also seems stronger than “enough”. Anyway, that is definitely my mantra too! Cheers and thanks again! V

  4. Barb
    Barb at |

    I just found my new mantra. Thanks as always for sharing your process.


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