Laughing is the answer. You don’t even need to know the question.
Just laugh.
This statue sits on a little red child’s chair. He squats, his big Pepto-Bismo-butt on this too-small chair and never, ever stops laughing.
Every morning while I write in my journal and sip my cappuccino…he just laughs at me.
This fat pink man sits to the left of the very serene-faced and much more traditional Buddha on his little wooden crate with the incense burning and swirling around his head…all very spiritual and Zen-like. Meditative and navel-gazing…
And yes, it’s good to be earnest and breathe slowly and to eat your organic sprouts.
But I think the pink guy is having way more fun.
Perhaps a little bit of both approaches is in order?
Why don`t Groucho Marx glasses come in his size?