10 Responses

  1. Gwen
    Gwen at |

    Thanks for posting, Colleen (and Stephen). I was surprised at how hard it was for me to quiet my mind and just breathe for 5 minutes. To be honest, I only made it to 3 minutes — it’s definitely something I need to master.

  2. Janet
    Janet at |

    Hey Colleen, don’t forget you came up with Lululemonization 🙂 And I’m also very fond of snorkage. There is no stopping writers! – you three just proved it 🙂

  3. Stephen Sell
    Stephen Sell at |

    Oh my, thanks to all you nice people saying kind things. It gives this ageing opsimath hope – and may even keep me writing!

  4. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    None of that frothy pretentiousness for me. If I digress it will be on no-nonsense espresso. Besides, what the heck does Frappe mean? Is it a combination of kind of bean mix encircled with floury dough, too much talking, and Peter Frampton? That’s what happens when you mess with coffee.

    Besides that Stephen’s post illuminates the weltschwertzen of our times, and is witty to boot, I so agree with having it up to here in my consciousness with constant stories of realizing all manner of dreams (fame! fortune! notoriety! jailtime! …. oh wait, I might have slipped over to my hopeful vision of all things Trump), I love what you say and the way you say it in regards to where the ‘link love’ and sharing should come from. Because I hold you in such high regard – your ‘snorkage’ notwithstanding – I believe you will introduce me to similarly interesting and oddly habited people. (I know that isn’t grammatically correct, but it’s just SO visual).

    Although, one mustn’t forget one of the other things Einstein said:

    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.”

  5. Janet
    Janet at |

    Hello Stephen, that was very well put. I got on a retreat every year and honestly one of the best things is having no internet/tv/news – being cut off from the flow of too much information. So sorry to hear about your neighbour! The irony is people are starving for what she can teach.


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