5 Responses

  1. Sharry Miller
    Sharry Miller at |

    Your post reminds me that I have one more reason to be grateful for living my entire life in Alaska – not many worries about sun burn. Fewer chances of melanoma, and wrinkles will be put off for longer. Now, if only I could thaw out….

  2. Gwen
    Gwen at |

    Well won’t I look cute in the pool with a “whole face cover thing” and my Canadian snowsuit?

  3. Gwen
    Gwen at |

    Colleen, great post! I’ve been holding off on getting the treatment done on my face as there just doesn’t seem to be the right time to have the spots (yes, those same ones that if left untreated could turn into the big C) removed. The treatments I’ve been getting this past year, to remove spots on my arms, legs, and one right smack between my eyes, is cryotherapy.

    So, with cryotherapy, they spray liquid nitrogen on the spots and it freezes and kills the cells. Ever had a gun filled with liquid nitrogen coming at your face, while doctor (who is still shaking his head from all the sun damage I have), is saying “Don’t flinch–that would not be good”? I can tell you this: It is not good. And it hurts like hell. Burns for hours. Then it turns into an angry scab that takes weeks to go away–just to punish you further for your years of baby oil and roof top sunbathing, I swear.

    So, I’m rambling now, but I do have to schedule some time to go through the blasted experience again — and as it’s on my face (both sides of my face), I’m trying to find a time when I might be able to hibernate from the world for 3 weeks and have not yet fit that into my schedule. But, I know I must do it. I will do it. Thank you for the reminder.

    Ugh….And then there’s the age spots…don’t get me started.


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