5 Responses

  1. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    What a wonderful moment to share with your cabbie. I love when all our roles and stereotypes fall away and we just meet each other as we truly are. I think they’re some of the most beautiful moments to be had in this plane of existence.

    I can’t believe Supertramp came and I didn’t know it! I am listening right now to Right, Bloody Well Right as the soundtrack to this comment.

    Sometimes I find being alive so vigorous as to have almost sucked the life right out of me. I often feel like I’ve hurtled down a steep hill, wildly sticking my heels out to slow my descent, only to end up forever windmilling at the very edge of the precipice. Neither able to lean back and sigh with relief, or embrace the momentum and give over.

    It’s quite a breathless thing, this living. I admire you for being willing to stand in the face of everything, with a laugh in your heart, tears in your eyes, and the thrill of the dance in your soul.


  2. Kathy Provost
    Kathy Provost at |

    Colleen, I have to ask you this… do you cry when you write ? I wonder if the emotions well up inside of you as they do for me when I read what you write. Is this what I can expect now , a feeling that has arrived with becoming 50? Keep it up, you touch my heart. 🙂

  3. Liana McKamey
    Liana McKamey at |

    I have lost my ability to cry recently. Am hoping it returns soon, as you say Life keeps coming. Spoke to our mutual friend last nite. I thank you for all you do for her. Roger is so grateful. Thank you so very much!


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