8 Responses

  1. Sharry Miller
    Sharry Miller at |

    Colleen, lately I’ve been working in glass (mostly fusing) and there are photos scattered throughout my blog posts (the ones categorized under glass art as well as in the Sea Turtle Arts page). As with most things I want to do, the full-time job gets in the way of spending as much time creating as I’d like, but I manage to get a little done when I can.

  2. karen
    karen at |

    I seem to often begin my responses to your writing with WOW! This time I am saying wow because of a recent email that I sent to you. Having not read your blog, I stated to you the peace one gets from our partner drawing us a bath or a friend bringing us some home made pie. How comforting the little things in life are.
    Your blog is so well written, your message is clear and precise. Life is what we chose to make it. Along the way are bumps and bruises but if we humbly, sometimes painfully get out of bed each and every day, how we paint the picture is up to us.
    Thank you, beautifully written.

  3. Sharry Miller
    Sharry Miller at |

    Thanks for this post, Colleen. The idea that I am capable of creating something out of nothing, or something with meaning out of raw materials (in the case of my visual art) is very empowering. I’ll have to think on this some more.

  4. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    What a beautiful post, Colleen. I admire how you take the challenges life presents and turn them in your hands, just so, to view another – and infinitely more powerful – reality.


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