“No one can predict the future now. No one can make long-range plans. The best we can hope for, to quote Robert Bridges, is, ‘The masterful administration of the unforeseen.’ Ride the whirlwind. That’s the most we can do.”
– Arthur C. Clarke
Life, they say, is what happens while we’re busy making other plans. It’s funny how I can blithely go along thinking (sometimes for extended periods of time) that I am actually in control of my life.
I make plans, I start projects, I make appointments and really truly believe that it will all unfold just the way I’ve written it into my daytimer.
I recognize that we need to operate that way. We need to assume we will be around and able to follow through on these things, but sometimes, like on a day like today, it is brought home in a very big way, that I am clearly NOT in charge of anything at all.
I had a completely different idea of what today was going to be about. In retrospect, it’s laughable how off-base I was. In fact, it’s almost quaintly endearing that I actually believed what I thought it would look like.
But you know what I’m going to do? I’m going to write up my plan for tomorrow and I’m going to see if I can make some of it come true. And if Life comes along with another idea?
Well, hell…I’ll just get on board with whatever is being dished up and I’m going to ride that whirlwind. Because that’s just what you do…
Good thinking I say. It is when we feel doomed and lost and can’t remember how to plan the events of our day. …………………………………….. I am glad that you are continuing to move forward even if things change and move off track.
Your writing is inspiring, thank you
I think planning might be over-rated. Heading off into a trackless wilderness is bound to be more of an adventure!
Indeed – although I’m well aware of the futility, I keep making plans and arrangements as if I expect everything to work out in accordance with my grand scheme.
I hope there was nothing irreparable about what went awry in your day today
And wishing you a better day tomorrow!
Glad to see you’re back online, too. At least that appears to be going right – for now, at any rate!
Thanks for keeping the faith and continuing to come back to my on-again-off-again blogging boondoggle. What a ride this has been. And yes, in spite of all the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, I keep pretending that life will just go on the way I want it to. Crazy stuff!