Adventure Cycling in Montana

Stupids on Oregon Coast

I’ve just sent an email to my fellow Stupids instructing them to: Shine up their shoes! Buy a new lipstick!

Yes indeed. It is confirmed the 23rd Annual Hell On Wheels bicycle trip with The Stupids-At-Large is heading to Montana, U.S.A. We’ve known that part for some time, but now the editor at Adventure Cyclist magazine has confirmed he’s interested in the resulting feature story by yours truly.

But the reason for the lipstick? Well, apparently we will be photographed by the magazine somewhere between Plains and Dixon. Just hoping that they use cheesecloth filters a la Doris Day, so that we have a lovely soft focus blurring the increasingly startling lines of reality.

But can that state really handle eight semi-or-peri-or-full-on menopausal women? Can they stand back from the raging hot flashes? The flares of irritability? The loud snorkage? The guffaws?  The wildly inappropriate and very unladylike behaviour? The constant ingestion of ibuprofen chased with thin American beer?  It remains to be seen.

But I guess I really should buy some new cycling shorts. I think it will photograph better if the Lyrca still has a little snap. But then again, why should my shorts be the only thing that aren’t falling apart?

4 Responses

  1. Sharry Miller
    Sharry Miller at |

    Sounds like fun! I can’t wait to read about it! I say go for the bold and outrageous – I suspect that’s a bit what the Stupids-at-Large are about anyway – with lots of exclamations!

  2. karen
    karen at |

    Oh my, pink or red? I think perhaps a lovely earth tone, not so shocking. It’s not like I want to make a statement or anything!!!!!!

    Apparently, Walt Whitman loved to use exclamation marks, way to go Walt!

    Great news Colleen. I don’t suppose there is any chance of narrowing down the exact location that photos will be taken, or will they just jump out of the road side bushes to catch us off guard. Far more entertaining that way I say!

    Love it!


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