I keep reading of people who have taken their documents, thrown it through some programming and voila! they have an e-book.
Apparently it’s easy to do, though I suspect that it helps if, a) you throw some money at it, or b) you know your way around the computer.
However, since I am interested in doing, c) none of the above, I am stuck with plodding along with things the way they are.
I see no point in putting any money into my Traveling Light – Stories from the Road project as that would pretty much be the end of any profits. I’m not expecting to have a huge number of sales and I’d prefer what little I made to not be offset against the cost of building it in the first place. Not to mention that my computer skills seem to be limited to fabulous Google searches and the basic blogging buttons.
However, I have decided on the cover you see above. I took that picture in Varanasi, India; one of my all-time favourite places to visit. The image was also used in this article I wrote for WestWorld Magazine.
So. I’ve almost got all the e-book content loaded. I have a sneaking suspicion that I’m probably over-thinking the whole enterprise and it might be only a link or two away from coming to life.
Then again…