6 Responses

  1. Janet
    Janet at |

    Ooh a marathon, what a great idea Lori. The Witches is fantastic, yeah!

    Colleen, I’d be interested if Nancy or Trixie does still hold up. When I was a kid I devoured a billion books by Enid Blyton (because she actually wrote a billion books and there was always something new in a series to read) but I can’t read them now. The sexism and racism is unbearable.

    But just because something is older doesn’t mean it won’t hold up. Every few years I have myself an E. Nesbit marathon – she wrote about a century ago – and those books are still fresh and fun.

  2. Lori Henry
    Lori Henry at |

    I haven’t read the BFG since I was a kid, but I have a copy that I’ll be digging into very soon. (Colleen, I got it at the TMAC conference in Wales). I can’t wait to read it as an adult! I was definitely a big Nancy Drew fan, too.

    Janet, I just went through some of his books, as I couldn’t remember them all. Wasn’t The Witches just great? I have to go get that one… And Matilda, James and the Giant Peach and, of course, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Oh my, I think I might have myself a Roald Dahl marathon!

    1. Colleen Friesen
      Colleen Friesen at |

      Makes me think I should peruse a Nancy Drew or Trixie book…I have a sneaking suspicion they might not hold up as well as the Roald Dahl books. There’s something timeless about children’s books like that, whereas I wonder if now I might find Honey Wheeler to be a bit of a pain 🙂

  3. Janet
    Janet at |

    Hi Lori and Colleen, I love Dahl too! His word choice is so vivid and he makes all feelings seem larger than life. EVen though the most horrible things happen to his characters. The BFG is fantastic. I also love Danny Champion of the world because I was so rooting for this characters 🙂 . Lori do you like all of Dahl or just the BFG?

  4. Lori Henry
    Lori Henry at |

    I’m going to go with Roald Dahl’s The BFG. So cool.

    1. Colleen Friesen
      Colleen Friesen at |

      I love Roald Dahl but have never read the Big Friendly Giant. I just did an internet search to find out what BFG stood for 🙂 I think I’d have to say I was a Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden fanatic as a kid. I think I just loved that there was always another book in the series. I hated it when books ended.


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