Tapping the Beast



Mythical Beast

I”m not sure what’s going on. I’ve pretty much screeched to a halt on the travel writing pitches and follow-ups and all the back and forth emailing that requires. I’ve also been under the weather…so my usual social life – including all exercise – has stopped.

So. All I am doing is working on this memoir project. That’s it. And somehow I don’t have enough time?

I don’t get it. Before this happened, I would work some on the writing, then do some fancy behind-the-scene things with my blog where I used up the entire square inch of my brain that can handle technology, visit people, do a major exercise thing every day, run around with the usual errands and buff up bits of the house.

But now? Now that I’m doing nothing but this, there’s not enough time to give it. It’s like a bad child –  give it an inch and it wants all of me – only in a good way.

I think I’m teasing out an answer as I write this, but I am genuinely mystified, because…pretty much all I’ve done today is edited and added to and rewritten and generally tinkered with my memoir stuff and the day flew by.  I think I like this. I think I’m finding a groove. 

The key is to not give in to my tendency toward stopping and deciding it’s all worthless…I need to have faith if I want to ignore that voice and keep moving. You’ve read Bird by Bird right? Remember how Anne Lamott says you have to tune out KFKD radio? I figure if I’m a moving target, that negative channel won’t be able to hit me.

Even though I still don’t know what direction this thing is moving in, I feel like there’s something happening. Something inexplicable and just below the level of my awareness, but there…a dark good place somewhere underneath.  Probably best not to examine this beast too carefully.

I’ll tiptoe out of here and leave it at that.

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