They – whoever They are – say that nations are the sum of the stories they tell about themselves. If it’s true of nations and certainly families, why not individuals as well?
Nations, families and each of us, have our stories, myths and legends that can keep hatreds and longings, misunderstandings and loving moments alive for generations.
I remember reading that you can learn what a family believes about themselves by listening to the stories that are told over and over. The ones that become so familiar in their constant retelling, that all the familial listeners can jump in to say what comes next.
When examined, these stories will have essential themes. Themes that can provide clues as to what is valued. I look carefully at my family stories now, looking for clues and seeing if I still choose to absorb those values or reject them.
More importantly as I write my own personal stories, I am looking at the memories I’ve chosen to keep. Why these stories? Why these moments? Why not others? What story am I continuing to write in deciding who I am?
Who said writing a memoir was for lightweights?