8 Responses

  1. Elizabeth Hilts
    Elizabeth Hilts at |

    I’d read The Glass Castle a couple of times and felt sort of “eh” about it. Then I had to teach it last semester and realized what a really powerful narrative arc Walls achieved.

    Finding myself fascinated by the idea of examining three apparently very different frameworks to figure out a structure for a new thing—much to think about here.

  2. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    Will add those to my list! I’m currently reading Driving with Dead People – memoir of a girl growing up in an eccentric unforgettable Baptist family. Lots of black humour but again chronological in structure

  3. Sharon
    Sharon at |

    Of course, there is also Renovating Heaven ….

  4. Becca
    Becca at |

    Thanks for adding some more books to my to-be-read list! I hope you find the enlightenment you need from them 🙂


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