8 Responses

  1. widdershins
    widdershins at |

    We could start a PA group, but I’m sure there are a million other things we should be doing instead!

  2. Janet
    Janet at |

    How did it go? Did you send it? Or did you need to go out at once and buy another toothbrush because the first one had worn down 🙂

    I’ve seen your writing (as you know) and I can’t believe he’s going to be harsh or anything other than pleased and helpful… but there is nothing so vulnerable is there. You are brave to sign up with this – so what if it takes a little procrastinating to get there? I think that’s allowed! (Plus, clean house bonus 🙂 )

  3. Kathy Provost
    Kathy Provost at |

    That sounds sooooo familiar…. I just have to get everything in order before I sit down and start my studies, but wait, I was going to make some calls, send some emails, walk the dogs, do some laundry, make some buns, take out the garbage, get the mail, go on the treadmill, because of course that is healthy! I hope tomorrow I actually get down to it! There must be a class on procrastination, hmm maybe there is an online one! I better check that out before I get started! Good Luck Colleen!!! 🙂

  4. Amy
    Amy at |

    That’s so exciting that he’s your instructor. This is going to be the thing that gets your book done!
    Now, please come over and wash my bathroom with a toothbrush.


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