This is it. Your chance to shine and win big. It’s the fourth annual Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award.
I’ve read through all the FAQ’s for the conblog, checked out how the writer’s rights work – and everything else I could think of – and it all looks like a writing conblog dream come true.
Of course, you’re also competing with about one zillion other writers, but that’s true of pretty much anything to do with writing. There seems to be no shortage of writers out there.
And let’s not forget that it’s hard, hard work, though perhaps Stephen King can more eloquently discuss the quagmire a writer can find herself in…
“Sometimes you have to go on when you don’t feel like it, and sometimes you’re doing good work when it feels like all you’re managing is to shovel shit from a sitting position.” – Stephen King
I don’t think I could have possibly said it better. I’m not sure if that particular quote is from his book, [amazon_link id=”0684853523″ target=”_blank” ]On Writing[/amazon_link], but if it isn’t it certainly could be.
That book is one of my more well-worn go-to writing books. He’s just so encouraging and honest about what the process is like for him. I haven’t decided if I’m going to enter this conblog as I’m still not sure if I’m writing a memoir or a novel.
I’m hoping to clarify that particular mess in the coming weeks once my writing course starts…not that I’m piling huge expectations on the poor people at Humber School for Writers Correspondence…not at all.
I hereby resolve to resolve that memoir/novel issue once and for all in 2011. And on that note, I bid thee all a very Happy New Year and best of luck on your 2011 resolutions or your steadfast avowal of same.
I think it’s time for me to pull my copy of “On Writing” from the bookshelf and give it another read.
Good luck with the writing course, btw! I know it will be awesome!
Go for it. What have you got to lose? Nada. That’s what
Let’s go for it this year K?
Good luck on your writing course! I’m looking forward to reading your novel and/or memoir. As for me, I’m at 55,000 words and vow I won’t return to Canada until I’m done a first draft. Of course, I may have to sell the house, get a divorce, rob a bank…
Michelle…I take it you’re suffering in Mexico while we speak
Seriously, 55,000 words is great. I can’t wait to read it.
How long will you be down there again? I can’t believe I’ve decided to not travel for seven months. It feels like forever already and I haven’t really started yet. Maybe Mexico doesn’t really count as traveling?