Holy Smokes. I think I’m getting to close to finishing my e-book, Traveling Light – Short Stories from the Road…
Of course, there’s the off-chance that I’m heavily into denial of how much is actually left to do. I’ve been known to inhabit the Land of Denial. It is simply the furthest point on the optimist’s continuum; in fact, some might call it the the default position of the overly-optimistic. I’m just sayin’….
You’d think this e-book was going to be War & Peace, given the angst and attention I’ve put to it. But no such luck.
This is a compilation of short and longish travel stories for a total length of around 10-15,000 words. But it’s the formatting thing that gets me in a twist. I’m not great with instructions at the best of times and I have a tendency to read little extra bits into whatever point they’re making.
I remember this conundrum first becoming apparent with the multiple choice exams in elementary school. How could it be so clearly a or b or c ? To me, usually all of them could be plausible as the perfect answer under the right circumstances. I always felt there was no way anything could be reduced to such a fine point.
It would seem I still think that. Like everything in life, I feel this is rather metaphorical. How on earth can we be so reductionist as to truly believe we have the one and only right answer for any particular situation? The massive ego required to believe we have it all sewed up should be the first clue that we’re on the wrong track.
But for now I think I should get back to; Building Your Book. If you’re interested in putting your own e-book together, here’s a link to Amazon for help. And maybe the real metaphor here might be my tendency to read more into it then is already there. Ouch. That hurts…
So, don’t say I didn’t warn you that it might not be completely clear to you…then again, it might.
If you understand everything, please give me a call and walk me through. I’m always grateful for help.
Sounds like it’ll be a fun book. I love travel stories, they are always so much fun and bring back great memories. I always forget the difficult parts and remember the good times.
Ahhh yes, the selective ways of remembering…it’s a pretty cool feature of the human brain, isn’t it?
I clicked on those directions and my head started swimming just looking at them, all tightly packed there on the screen.
I’ve been toying with the idea of publishing a little book of my own, but the plethora of options on the self-publishing websites makes me kind of crazy. If only it were as simple as the days when I made books with construction paper covers filled with lined notebook paper
Hmmm…maybe I could start a new trend in self-publishing
BTW, I love that photo!
Hey…Love the idea of the construction paper covered book. There’s bound to be a backlash against all this digitization, why not be on the cutting edge? (…so to speak).
I have checked into a few sites about self-publishing and if you’re wanting to do a regular-style book, it looks like CreateSpace is the place to do it.
Glad you liked the photo. It’s taken with the Hipstamatic app on my iPhone.
Heh! I felt the same way about those multiple choice questions … but I’ve learned to think like the enemy…. and eliminate all but the ridiculous answer, which is almost always the right one!…. whoda thunk!
You know what? It’s like taxi cabs. I never know if the light on the top of the cab is on…does that stand for already occupied? Or does it mean that the cab is available for hire? Both answers seem completely logical to me, so I can’t remember which one is right…I swear I make it more complicated than it is, but there ya go.