6 Responses

  1. retirebyforty
    retirebyforty at |

    Sounds like it’ll be a fun book. I love travel stories, they are always so much fun and bring back great memories. I always forget the difficult parts and remember the good times. 🙂

  2. Becca
    Becca at |

    I clicked on those directions and my head started swimming just looking at them, all tightly packed there on the screen.

    I’ve been toying with the idea of publishing a little book of my own, but the plethora of options on the self-publishing websites makes me kind of crazy. If only it were as simple as the days when I made books with construction paper covers filled with lined notebook paper 🙂 Hmmm…maybe I could start a new trend in self-publishing

    BTW, I love that photo!

  3. widdershins
    widdershins at |

    Heh! I felt the same way about those multiple choice questions … but I’ve learned to think like the enemy…. and eliminate all but the ridiculous answer, which is almost always the right one!…. whoda thunk!


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