My lovely friend Sharon Brown just sent me this great video…
Today is the eve of Christmas Eve. Does that make it Christmas Eve Squared?
Time is running out on the shopping thing. I can’t believe that I’ve left so much to the last minute. I really can’t remember doing it quite this way before. Yet I don’t feel at all frantic. It just feels like every single thing that needs to be done will eventually be done and I feel no compulsion to rush to or fro.
For example, I should be dressed and going out the door, but instead I’ve just returned from yoga, checked my inbox, found this great video from Sharon and spent the last few minutes watching it and then loading it up to my blog. Now I’m still sitting here at my desk, clicking and watching the lovely letters pile up into words, then sentences and wondering what my fingers and my brain will conspire to lay down next.
This is the part of writing I adore…just watching what comes up and what I’m going to say. Clearly, I have no particular plan…and it would appear…nothing left to say.
Merry Christmas Eve Squared Everyone. I think I need to go shopping now. The baking and the wrapping thing will come later.
Yep….. you’re a pantser alright!
I see bumper stickers in the future…or maybe a support group would be better?
“Hello. My name is Colleen Friesen and I’m a Pantster.”
May I assume that you lean towards the ‘pantser’ tradition of writing?
By that do you mean by the seat of my pants? Because that’s pretty accurate
Merry Christmas to you, Colleen! I hope you get your shopping done
Me too! Decided to go meet a friend for coffee now instead. There’s still tomorrow. I think it’s kind of like how I write…the deadline is the impetus to start the project.