Like a runaway tobaggon, we are sliding and slipping toward Christmas and the end of 2010.
As we rocket toward the finish, it’s starting to look like I’m not going to reach my goal of having my e-book finished by December 31st.
Then again, they say it ain’t over ’til the fat lady sings and no large women have crossed my path as of yet.
Call me delusional.
Tell me I’m in denial.
Say whatever you like. I choose to take this as a sign that there is still a chance for me to finish.
What I have done is cleared my desk and organized quite a bit of the house in anticipation of my upcoming writing course. I am finally settling into the notion of staying home as I head into this next seven months of focused writing.
As much as I despair at not having to produce a passport for a large part of 2011, I also feel a sort-of-relief that I don’t have to ponder whether I should accept any trips. The decision is made. No thinking required.
There is no escaping. No jumping on a plane. No deadlines for anything outside of the course.
All I have to do now is show up at my desk each day, strap my butt to the chair, put my heart in a vice and stare at the screen until blood springs from my forehead.
Piece of cake.