Travel the World for Free! Be a Travel Writer!
You’ve seen the ads of those amazing travel journalists lolling on a poolside chaise lounge with a shiny laptop and a paper-umbrella-enhanced fancy cocktail…You suspected it might not be as easy as all that, but still, it does sound pretty cool right?
Well, TripBase.com has laid the brutal truth out in a point-by-point article that will hopefully stop some of the hordes from jumping on the writerly wagon. I couldn’t agree more with everything they’ve written and now I don’t have to write it. Thank you TripBase
And since this is Friday and I like to do a kind of round-up post on Fridays, I’ll add this link to Rolf Pott’s Travel Writing Tips that’s published at the Transititions Abroad website.
If the harsh reality doesn’t deter you and you’re still keen, the TripBase article also offers some great links to some really helpful sites that can help you in your quest to land a story…just don’t say we didn’t warn you.
Yes, and after you manage to score a travel writing gig, you’ve still got to get paid. I just wrote a blog post inspired by an article in the New York Times on the subject. I’m hoping that some of my tips will help others avoid getting stiffed. Here’s the link:
Thank you Michele. It’s so true. It would seem that writers are the very last on the food-chain of getting paid…