4 Responses

  1. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    Trust you to find two things I’ve never heard of:

    altered books as art and
    the word ‘reliquaries’

    which, I have discovered, is quite prosaically ‘a container for relics’ (not unlike this cadaver-to-be I stomp and sashay around in). Also mentioned in the Wikipedia entry is the Pandoric phrase: “The authenticity of any given relic is often a matter of debate…”

    Just what is it with all of this cosmic collage energy anyway? Diane and Haley were at it for hours Sunday afternoon. I feel like an asteroid just swept past me, stealing away loved ones in a trail of scissor sparks and glue detrius.

    I demand to be taught this peculiar art, with or without attendant guffaws.

  2. Michele
    Michele at |

    I’m all for the inspired post…it seems that the blogging world is going the way of Top 10 lists. Today I blogged about my kitchen cupboard and the food I’ve gathered on travels through the year – not a topic likely to garner any sponsors but something I was thinking about. No bad ass character entering from stage left but interesting enough to get me planning my next trip.


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