8 Responses

  1. karen
    karen at |

    Hi friend, I agree whole heartedly. I had a friend say to me once “after I have been dead for a few years who will remember me?” I said, “everyone, all the friends that you have given a fragment of yourself to, they have all been touched by you, your memory will live on within them. In saying that, why would we want to rob a potential new or old friend an opportunity to be blessed, inspired, motivated and educated by us and vica versa.

    I learn somehing new everyday from a friend. In sorrow, pain, joy, confussion. To weep or laugh with a friend is truly living life to the fullest.

    Question? Why can’t you turn your blogging into a book? How interesting, I would buy it, read it and pass it on.

  2. Becca
    Becca at |

    I was smiling all through reading this, picturing the faces of my “tried and true” friends 🙂

  3. Gwen
    Gwen at |

    Aww…thanks. And hey, I have that same photo of the mermaid chick!

  4. Gwen
    Gwen at |

    What a wonderful post. I was having one fo those moments just last week where I was reflecting on 2010. And in thinking of this past year, it’s the new friendships I’ve made with amazing women that really stand out to me. How grateful I am for those new women in my life — I can’t even explain. I think that new friends — incredible women like the few I’ve met this year — come into your life at JUST the right time.

    So, can you have too many friends? I say no. BUT, as I get older, I’m of the “quality” over “quantity” mindset. Real friends. That’s the ticket.

    Merry Christmas to you, my friend!


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