Can DVDs called the Wisdom of the World truly deliver universal wisdom?
Colour me a tad cynical but it seems like a pretty tall order. But it made me curious, which is why I said yes to the email offer to review this DVD. Wait. I’m not being completely honest. That’s not the only reason…
Have you ever heard of the classic Mennonite conumdrum?
It’s a sign in a shop window that says, Free Dance Lessons.
For those of you not in the know, Mennonites take frugal to dizzying levels of cheapness which means that anything offered to me for free is a pretty big temptation. Plus, when I grew up, Mennonites were not allowed to dance, probably because it looked like you might have fun. Hence the dilemma.
All this to say, I like getting stuff for review. In my defense, I’ve turned down quite a few offers to review books about people who have been transported by aliens and such and pills that will make me look tanned and orangey. I have my limits after all.
But back to the DVD that came in the beautiful envelope. I plugged it into my computer, prepared my jaded self to take a few notes and instead was captivated by the gorgeous cinematography. The time-lapse photography is gorgeous and as those clouds morphed and reshaped and swept across watery vistas, it reminded me of my headier high school days and those kooky mood lamps – and yes – I did inhale.
These short films, with their calming narrations from men who make FM announcers sound peppy and chatty, are combined with music that is quite hypnotic. In short, it felt like I entered a little bit of an altered state and… it was completely legal.
I’m keeping my Wisdom of the World DVD in my laptop. That way, whenever I feel the need for a little calm…I’ll simply hit play.
Q: Why aren’t Mennonites allowed to have sex standing up?
A: It might lead to dancing!
And sex, like dancing is (gasp!) fun
Another Menno Classic…Thanks AnneLise.