8 Responses

  1. Becca
    Becca at |

    Who doesn’t want to be happy? Sometimes we all make it a lot more complicated than it needs to be. Starting the day with a smile sounds deceptively simple, but it’s a solid step on the road to a good day.

  2. Michele
    Michele at |

    Love it! Funny that we’re both writing about happiness and bliss. I’ve added you to my blog roll at http://michelepeterson.blogspot.com

  3. AnneLise
    AnneLise at |

    Positive Mental Attitude makes everything bearable. I always make a point to smile and greet everyone that I meet when out walking. Some folks might think I’m a bit wacky, but everyone smiles and/or says hello back. There are just so many grumpy-looking people out there, I don’t want to be one of them. Let your little light shine 🙂

  4. Gwen
    Gwen at |

    What a great post (again). I find reading YOUR blog makes ME smile 🙂 I did want to share, though, that I have my own little ritual — I start the day with this “Today will be a great day.” Every day. Rain or shine. Rested or restless, I whisper that to myself. Quietly, of course. I can tell you that it’s not always a GREAT DAY, but I can also tell you that if I do stop and remind myself of the wish — for a great day — I can get though all of the obstacles that are thrown in my path.

    It’s all a matter of choice, isn’t it? And even with the obstacles, what’s not to smile about? The alternative to waking up every morning doesn’t appeal to me much so I feel the need to give the day a fighting chance, while I still can.


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