6 Responses

  1. Gwen
    Gwen at |

    Colleen, this was such a great reminder. I love “..they forget how the discovery is made.” Perfect. And oh-so-true. I think we are trying so hard sometimes that we don’t appreciate the moment. The joy of the journey, and all that jazz. Life is fluid. And I’m ready to snap on my life jacket and go with the flow.

  2. Becca
    Becca at |

    As I sit here (passionately) drinking my tea (loving the bone china mug, relishing the warmth on my cold hands, savoring the spicy scent) I’m thinking this is quite good advice you’ve passed along!

    Here’s to passion in all things!

  3. barb
    barb at |

    After reading your post about the children in the slums of Mumbai I can’t help but reflect about how ironic it is that those of us who have absolutely everything we need and then some, find it a revelation that we should stop to reflect about the comforting properties of a warm cup of tea whereas those with nothing are just thrilled to wake up every morning. Where did we go so wrong?


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