In the constant Orange Alert world of Homeland Security and terrorist-ready airports, packing and traveling light has become more and more necessary. But I still see so many people schlepping and struggling and paying ridiculous dollars to drag all their crap around in their huge unwieldy bags. It’s time to lighten those loads…
Lonely Planet has a list of points to consider, though most of the article is links to things you need to buy in order to do it. I don’t quite agree with that plan. Admittedly, gimmicks and gadgetry can be fun, but it seems rather oxymoronic that the suggestion is that you need to buy more in order to pack less.
A more practical packing guide can be found on this site.
I’m not sure why I feel compelled to write about packing for traveling, considering I’m not going anywhere for awhile. Maybe it’s because I’m starting to think about what we can live without in this house so we can use it in our new apartment. It’s becoming increasingly obvious to me – that in spite of my all my blathering about living with less stuff – I actually have tons of duplications. The scary part is that I will be able to fully furnish our Vancouver apartment and nothing will really be missing from our house.
I think I need to sit quietly with a cup of tea and just think about that.