Writer’s block. Believe in it or not?
There are many schools of thought on the subject…and sometimes I think the disagreements are mostly about semantics. You might call it stalled or percolating ideas or some other name, but whatever you call it, the fact is that it’s a special kind of horrible purgatory for those of us who would just like to steam ahead.
But then I don’t think I have block as much as just plain avoidance. How could I know if I’m blocked if I don’t actually open up the word documents and start? Exactly my point.
So imagine how timely this article from The Writer Magazine felt? And so, I am using that article and this post to bust through and start work.
I can’t do any more laundry, dusting or whatever else I’ve managed to come up with in my very active avoidance.
It’s time to just do it.