2 Responses

  1. Oh
    Oh at |

    What? No kidding, really? I just finished reading Theroux’s THE JOURNAL KEEPER. And loved it. And would have marked it up, but it wasn’t mine. I borrowed it from the library (why, oh why?) And I read it slowly, savoring it. And I now a serious overdue fine because someone behind me had it on “hold.” Geez.

    I may have to buy it. It’s one of the best books on journal/memoir I’ve read in quite some time and has me amending my own journal approach somewhat…I think.

    Further, in a desperate attempt to have some hangtime with other writers, I am in two journaling classes – free, at the library. Yeah, ironic in its way. This corporate job of mine has me nuts with long days but I am determined to write and write my way out of there. Even though recently deciding to drop one of my journalistic gigs.
    Well, am I not rattling on here? I’m just so excited to see that you, too, enjoyed Theroux.

    Safe travels! Looking forward to more, as always and infrequent though i might be!


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