Packing Again & Cinnamon Water

Clearly I need to get a life. I realize that I generally am either, a) whinging and wanking on about writing and the attendant woes thereof, or b), whinging and whining about packing…

So, today I thought I’d mix it up a little and talk about both – a double whammy as it were – and as a bonus feature I’ll throw in my oh-so-simple recipe for my new fave drink of Cinnamon Water. 

Let’s start with that, because if I don’t, I’ll just ramble on and post this thing and will have totally forgotten the recipe.

Here it is, courtesy of the November 2009 Yoga Journal from my Sechelt library. The best part about this recipe? You don’t even need a pen – it’s so dead simple ( and yes, I took the liberty of making it a little more open-ended) but still, it works.

Crunch up a couple of cinnamon sticks with a rolling pin or bash it with your stapler or…

Simmer these pieces in a quart of water or a small pot that looks good with enough water that looks like it’d make a pot of tea… for about ten minutes.

Strain and serve.  Apparently, this helps reduce cholesterol and stabilize blood-sugar levels, but that’s not why I’m draining my glass. It’s simply wonderful. It’s so cinnamony and how can you not love cinnamon?

OK. That’s the upbeat portion of this post.

No, you know what? I’m not going to go there. It’s all good. I’m completely content. WTH is up with that?!?!

 I’m already mostly packed for Florida. I leave on Wednesday and will get to Santa Rosa Beach on Thursday night (first I’m taking the bus to Seattle, staying overnight in the lovely Fairmont, and then flying out to arrive in Florida the next night).

Having just come back from the Caribbean, the packing thing was so much easier. I’m pretty much taking the same stuff, though I do have to wear slightly more cold-rainy-weather stuff for the Vancouver-Seattle portion.

Check it out. That was pretty Whine-Free.

And as for the writing?

Well, I baked cookies, I’m roasting a chicken, I cleaned up the carport from the bear attack on the garbage cans last night (though I left the big bear calling card ‘pile’ so Kevin & Sean can get a gander at it when they get home tonight), I had a friend for lunch, I went for a walk, I did all the laundry, talked to a fellow travel-writer/memoirist (Hi Michele) about the agonies of writing etc…oh wait? was this supposed to be about my writing or my avoidance thereof?

I think my plan is that this Florida writing retreat is going to kick-start me into a routine.  So this time ahead of the retreat, is sort of like eating a box of chocolates before going on a diet, no that’s not a good comparison…it’s sort of like lolling on a chaise lounge the day before the marathon.


Mostly it’s like not writing before you really start the week focused on writing.

4 Responses

  1. Carol Perehudoff
    Carol Perehudoff at |

    Ha ha, I’ve just been whining about press trips on my blog. Viva the complainers! Anyway, Colleen – I too have been talking to Michele (Hi, Michele!) and we’re all mired in a book, so we should all be working together. With my lack of smarts and your and Michele’s abundance of them, we’ll still be ahead and can seriously get moving – no more whining! – I say January in England, but Michele says, quite rightfully, it’s too cold. But okay, maybe, Mexico. Or Toronto in Feb? Or or or or …

  2. shoreacres
    shoreacres at |

    Well, my goodness! What a surprise and what a treat. I love traveling, and I love writing – so what’s not to love about your impressive website and blog?

    Obviously, it’s going to take me a while to explore all this – and now I’m wondering…. I see “Becca” left a comment on “Writing Advice”. Can this be my Becca, whom I read consistently and who got me started with Write on Wednesday? Could that be how you found me? I’ll find out.

    In the meantime, laze around and enjoy that cinnamon water!


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