6 Responses

  1. Becca
    Becca at |

    I had much in common with many of the people I’ve “met” in my travels through cyber space. It makes me wonder if we’re cosmically drawn to like-minded people, even if we’re meeting them for the first time via words on a screen.

    Used properly, there is definitely a good force at work here 🙂

    Enjoy your writer’s retreat in Florida. I’m in southern Florida right now, about to board a plane to return home to the midwest. The weather is lovely here, especially the evenings when there’s a nice cool breeze.

  2. Oh
    Oh at |

    Dear Colleen, Finding your blog was complete serendipity, having read your comment on SHOREACRES about the Barbie TP cover – LOL- and loved your list. the adding machine plastic covers – that’s right!!!! and so many other things.
    So, then I came here to your place and find you are a writer, working on your memoir and so here I am, jabbering away.
    (it’s the giddiness of having just completed writing a magazine article – that wonderful feeling as Dorothy Parker mentions about “hating to write and love having written.”
    I am reading a wonderful memoir right now that is helping me with my own in its way. It is Phyllis Theroux’s THE JOURNAL KEEPER. I’m having to dash through the second part since someone at the library has it on hold behind me so I can’t renew it, but honestly, as I read it, the lights keep coming on and I am looking forward constantly to getting to my own journal/memoir writing, even bringing it to the dinner table and hoping the others will engage in conversation and let me catch up a bit.

    Anyway, I will now go “back” to read some of your prior entries and just want to say “hello” and how glad I am to read you.

  3. Becca
    Becca at |

    I meant metapHor-ing…it’s late, and my eyes are tired.

  4. Becca
    Becca at |

    I’m not writing a memoir in book form (although I consider my blog sort of an ongoing memoir) but I find the genre itself enormously interesting. We’re all in this boat of life together, and I think it’s fascinating to read about the path others have chosen to row. So yes, I think it’s worthwhile too…sharing the stories of our lives in general helps us make sense of our own life in particular, and helps bring us all together in the sea of humanity. (Sheesh, all kinds of ridiculous metapror-ing here! LOL)

    Suffice to say- looking forward to reading yours when it’s done!


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