I am working on a short St. Lucia travel piece for an online magazine.
I started it yesterday, and though it only will run about 350-500 words, I’m struggling mightily. It’s interesting, because when I start on these blog posts, I often exceed that number in moments. I believe the difference in the ease of blogging is probably because of the need for less crafting.
I don’t want to tell you that I just slop these posts up with no attention to the writing, but actually…that’s not too far from the truth. In my defense, I preview these posts several times to look for typos and any other glaring mistakes and I do take the time to make sure I’ve written something true and real.
But I think that immediacy is the attraction to blogs and conversely why we like to read well-written and thoughtfully constructed pieces as well.
There is something about a blog post that is not that far-removed from a chatty email from a friend. It doesn’t feel too studied.
It might also explain all my partial sentences and incredible dependency on ellipses, not to mention that damned smiley icon on which I have become rather dependent Pretty hard to slap in little grinning dots in a real piece of writing. God help us if that ever changes. And yet, I obviously have a very real affection for that little happy cartoon
I guess that I haven’t writen a ‘real’ article in a while, or at least it feels like it’s been a while, and I’d forgotten how much care I like to take in moving a sentence from one paragraph to the next.
My copy and paste buttons get a good work-out when I’m laying those lines down. And with any luck, when I’m done it will sound light and breezy and fun and like I threw it all together in mere moments.
But now, there’s a few of us at least, who know the truth of that quote (whose source I cannot locate), “If it reads easy it wrote hard.”
Hello fellow Canadian…enjoyed your site…I have always journalled and just wrote my first blog ….could use some advice on how to get it out there…..appreciate your input..Thanks so much Pat
Hi Pat,
Thanks for your comment. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to link to your site. Not sure if there’s a typo? Hope you visit again and resend me your link. I’d love to check it out.
I’m not sure I agree with you Colleen–I find writing shorter requires *much* more discipline than writing long. And I don’t think I’m alone: in my years as an editor, I found most writers I worked with had a really hard time paring their writing to a tidy 300 or 500 words.
I still write “long” and “short” and find that one informs the other. Both require me to “write hard” to make it “read easy”…and as a reader, I like to read well-crafted words no matter what size of a box they come in!
Yes, you’re right Julie. I think it’s really just about crafting versus blogging…doesn’t matter if it’s long or short for me, whenever I really apply a lot of thought and work into a piece, it simply takes much longer than dashing off an email or putting up a relatively simple blog post (though I’ve been known to struggle for hours on some of those too
There’s that damned smiley button again!