4 Responses

  1. Mick
    Mick at |

    Where can I buy Susie’s Hot Sauce in Toronto (or GTA)?

  2. Cathy
    Cathy at |

    I’ve been to Antigua 2 times and l love this gem of an island in the sun! Each time l’ve stayed at Jolly Beach Resort and Spa, and each time l long to return again and again.

    This past visit, l experienced Susie’s Hot Sauce, for the first time, and brought 5 bottles of it home for gifts. Everybody really likes it, and l’ve smiled as they sample it and l see a few eyes watering! LOL

    I’m a nurse at a local hospital here in Toronto Canada, and l actually work with a Doctor, who is also a native Antiguan. What a small world!

    Anyway, l’m writing to you to get the contact name and address of your contact in Ajax Ontario, as l live in Pickering, and it’s not far to Ajax, to pick up more Susie’s Hot Sauce, or if you could give me the name of the store that sells Susie’s.




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