I have checked in to my room at the Jolly Beach Resort on Antigua. I actually arrived here early this morning, but have spent the day being toured around by Randy Austin from Tourism Antigua & Barbuda.
The day’s highlight was meeting Rosie McMaster from Susie’s Hot Sauce. Susie was Rosie’s dearly departed mom.
Mom-Susie started making her hot sauce in 1960 and Rosie has taken over the business, expanding it from the original sauce to ten different award-winning recipes. Randy took me to visit her at her house which is as colourful as she is.
I feel like I’ve discovered gold. Her hot sauce is sublime. She’s won various chile and hot-sauce awards, including a couple from Texas hot sauce competitions, which is sort of like being champion of the world, considering how seriously Texans take their sauces.
It’s available in quite a few places in the U.S. and U.K. but for Canadians, it can only be found in Toronto…unless of course, you’re in need of a Caribbean dream of your own. Then you just need to book a ticket and come take in the heat.
Where can I buy Susie’s Hot Sauce in Toronto (or GTA)?
Not sure, but I think if you went to her Facebook page, I’m sure you’d find out. Be warned. Her sauces are ridiculously good!
I’ve been to Antigua 2 times and l love this gem of an island in the sun! Each time l’ve stayed at Jolly Beach Resort and Spa, and each time l long to return again and again.
This past visit, l experienced Susie’s Hot Sauce, for the first time, and brought 5 bottles of it home for gifts. Everybody really likes it, and l’ve smiled as they sample it and l see a few eyes watering! LOL
I’m a nurse at a local hospital here in Toronto Canada, and l actually work with a Doctor, who is also a native Antiguan. What a small world!
Anyway, l’m writing to you to get the contact name and address of your contact in Ajax Ontario, as l live in Pickering, and it’s not far to Ajax, to pick up more Susie’s Hot Sauce, or if you could give me the name of the store that sells Susie’s.
Hi Cathy, Thanks for writing.
This is such a small world (and immense at the same time!) and the myriad of connections that it presents is quite astounding eh? As a nurse, I’m sure you know too, that chile’s are great anti-inflammatories. So you’re actually dispensing medicine every time you gift that sauce
Next time you’re in Antiqua, I’d recommend the zip lining. It really was a lot of fun. Gets the heart going! Here’s a link that will explain it further.
And, the Ajax, Ontario contact info for Susie’s Hot Sauce:
Email: orders.ca@susieshotsauce.com