It’s a funny thing. Heron’s look so cool and appear so patient and Zen-like while they wait for a fish to flash below the smooth surface.
They are a Japanese woodcut come to life with the strong lines, graceful arcing wings and those dangling legs…but then they open that beak. SQWARK!
One does not think of the word melodious in relation to a heron’s call. It’s one of those times when they really would make a much better impression if they just shut up.
I think of that sometimes when I’m rambling on about who knows what. Isn’t there a quote about it being better to be thought of as a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt? Granted, it seems to be a rather harsh judgement.
And yet, I continue to throw these words out in to the world just about every day, and if it only proves I’m a fool…well…I would rather try risking something than not. And what is it we actually risk except the opinions of others?
The heron photo is by Alexandra Allardyce. She’s my lovely niece that I wrote about a few weeks ago. She is working at developing her photography skills. She took this photo on her visit here on the Sunshine Coast. It makes me think I need to get out and take more photos around here. Her pictures remind me of the beauty of this part of the world.
I am still looking for a camera-mentor to give me some hands-on lessons for my new Panasonic Lumix. Yes, I could watch the one-hour Photo Fun! CD, but seriously…I’d rather stick pins in my eyes.
I need someone to show me the magic. Maybe in another life I grew up in the ‘Show Me’ state of Missouri.
And just in case anyone was wondering, I did not make any progress on my memoir. At all.
But, I joined another writing group that meets once a week. I’m hoping that will fire up the motivation. I am working at countering my own bad habits.
Sort of out-tricking myself as it were. Now that’s probably something I really should not have shared.
It sounds a little multiple-personality-ish.
Oh well…there’s that risk thing again.
Found your blog through a travel blog I discovered. So many of your thoughts are my thoughts and I am of a different generation. I still would like to do some traveling.
Just always have hated to leave my cottage in the woods!! I will return
Hello Ernestine,
Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. Isn’t it amazing how we all find each other in this new world of the internet? I like your site and thoughts too. I’ll ‘stop by’ and we can have some virtual tea together on your porch. Take care…
The Lumix is one of the cameras I’m looking at buying to replace my Olympus which was stolen earlier this week. I’m not terribly good with cameras, and even worse at reading/watching instruction manuals. But I love photography, and really admire people who able to capture that perfect moment through the lens.
Your niece looks like she might be one of those people
I just spent some time with a friend who also has a Lumix. She gave me a quick little demo of my new camera and it really is quite easy. I am very impressed with the quality of the colour and resolution of the images. Two thumbs up on this one:)