5 Responses

  1. Becca
    Becca at |

    My copy of Bird by Bird is “well loved” as my mother used to say about my tatterd stuffed animals. It’s a guaranteed shot in the arm for writing. As is Writing Down the Bones. I also like Julia Cameron’s The Right to Write and Barbara Abercrombie’s Courage & Craft (about writing memoir).

    It’s all to easy to get caught up in reading about writing, rather than actually writing 🙂

  2. cara
    cara at |

    I was nodding the whole time I read this. I also have well-worn copies of those books (and also didn’t care for Old Friend as much). I haven’t tried the sticky notes program. Will look into that. I read somewhere that Stephen King wrote his last book (humongous) all in long-hand!!! I still can’t fathom it.

  3. gwen
    gwen at |

    I’m reading “Bird by Bird” again — an absolute favorite of mine. It’s so worn, and that almost makes me love it more.


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