There should be a photo right above this sentence. It should be a close-up of the filigreed tea glass with the silver teapot in the background and behind that would be the faded dusky view of our ocean world. I swear it would be here, except something is this program is refusing to cooperate. I have tried uploading it over and over – to no effect. This has happened before. There are cyber gremlins at work. I’ll try again tomorrow, or knowing me, probably once more after I’ve written this post.
We’ve got loads of mint growing in our garden now, and yesterday I polished this silver pot, washed the glasses, got out the big irregular lumps of sugar that I bought in a North Vancouver Persian market last fall, and tonight we had sweet mint tea.
It brought back lovely Moroccan moments, and is proof that souvenirs are wonderful things, but especially if they are functional. In fact, that’s our travel rule. We try to make our souvenirs pass the useful blog. It was no mean feat lugging the heavy silver pot and the six delicate glasses back from Casablanca via Paris.
But considering all five-weeks worth of those trip photos were lost in one of our computer crashes, and that the fez doesn’t get worn much (okay, not everything passes the functional blog…) the tea pot and glasses provide us with sweet & minty reminders of that trip.
And would you look at that, the millionth try at uploading the photo finally paid off.
Just catching up on some of your posts — and I think (if I can add right) that it must be your birthday today. Happy 50!
Your math is pretty darned close. Tomorrow I will have been on the planet for Fifty Years. Incredible. I swear that I was twenty-years old last week
Thank you for the birthday wishes. It’s very appreciated…Take care.