268 kilometers is the official count for our round trip to Lund. What those numbers fail to point out is the click in my right knee, the trashed neck and the weird seizing stiffness below my shoulder blades…other than that? I feel great.
Mostly I feel pleased it’s over. I think I do quite a bit of stuff like this…stuff that I’m glad when it’s done. Isn’t that akin to banging your head against the wall and the blessed relief that comes once you stop? Is it really that unintelligent? I’m beginning to believe that’s the case. Of course, I’m saying this less than a month before I start the cycling trip from Jasper to Banff. But then I guess these are just some of those things that make you go, “Hmmmmm….”
But truly, it was a great trip and our last night’s dinner at Rockwater in Secret Cove was divine, especially the starter of creamed corn soup with shaved truffle…wow. And then there was my kid’s breakfast of pancakes. Unreal…if that’s the kid’s portion, there must be some mighty large kids out there.
But the real secret to enjoying Secret Cove is the Rockwater Resort Spa. That was truly the best part of our stay; the side-by-side massage on Saturday morning. One hour of two masseuses digging the kinks out of our beaten necks and calves and fingers. As much as I swear by my tennis balls for self-massage, they don’t quite come close to the genuine article. It just seemed a real shame to have to take those oiled and relaxed bods and throw them back into the ongoing cycle of bicycle abuse.
But mercifully it ended and now we’re back in our usual paradise. Dr. Seuss said it so well,
“Today was fun. Today is done. Tomorrow is another one.”
I had errors viewing the website in Firefox on the Mac, but apart from that loved the post.
Glad you liked the post…sorry there were problems with the site. Not sure what that’s about…please let me know if it persists. Cheers, Colleen