It seems I’m getting the fitness component figured out but at the expense of the writing part of my day. Is there really such a thing as balance? Isn’t a teeter-totter a more fitting metaphor for how life tends to go? Seriously, if the teeter-totter was in balance, both kids would be bored stiff on their respective ends of that thing. It was always way more fun – and dangerously exciting – when we slammed either end in the ground or bounced up in the air. Maybe true balance isn’t even a good goal to be going after? Do I hear a bunch of serious self-rationalizing here? I think I do.
Maybe the model of homeostasis is more apt. OK, so we’ll skip the teeter-totter thing and we’ll think about the human body or any organic system for that matter…It’s all about reaching a certain equalibrium and it would seem that I’m only capable of teeter-totter explosions with one thing or another. Apparently, the fitness thing is my new obsession, (she said self-mockingly, as she sat on her brand new balance ball).
I hereby declare today National Homestasis Day and announce that I will not only incorporate the walking, weights, gardening and stretching into my world, but incorporate some time for ‘real’ writing.
Some of the more cynical types might realize that my Sunday writing group is looming on the horizon and perhaps that deadline is creating the impetus to get at my writing?
Or perhaps it’s the package that came from the University of New Mexico for my upcoming one-week workshop in July…shouldn’t one have their manuscript together by then?
Whatever. Every day I know I must rein myself in from one extreme or another and remember to focus on that organic model of true sustainability. If it’s good enough as a goal for the planet, surely it’s good enough for my little orbit?
Sustainable it is. A liitle of this, a little of that and it all helps keep things going forward and green.