2 Responses

  1. Kathy Provost
    Kathy Provost at |

    You are so right about letting go of some control and let things get interesting. Last fall I went for a weekend with some ladies and I was told to” just bring a sleeping bag, whatever, we will figure something out when we get there”. So naturally , I couldn’t let go of my control freak tendencies and spent the whole first day worrying and wondering who was in charge! What is going on! Where are we sleeping tonight! Eventually , I just relaxed and thought, who cares. The result was meeting up with some extraordinary people, who had a rustic guest cabin on an amazing property with giant old cedars and a waterfall and I had a wonderful spiritual experience . I am trying much harder now to just let go and let things happen…. because they do! 🙂

    1. colleenfriesen
      colleenfriesen at |

      That sounds so cool. It’s nice to hear other experiences that echoe mine. My best trips are ones that have very little booked and planned and somehow just evolve.

      Having said that, it is sometimes nice to know you have a room…at least for the first night 🙂


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